
I understand the ADHD struggle and I'm here to help you navigate each of them and reach your full potential. My services include one-on-one coaching, personalized education, support for individuals and families, assistance with organization, relationships, mindfulness, goal-achieving, self-care, co-occurring conditions and finding resources. Plus, join my group sessions, virtual sessions, workshops, webinars, and even a private online support group. Let's make it happen together.

a person drowning underwater holding their hand up for help
a person drowning underwater holding their hand up for help

ADHD & Small Business Owner Life Coach


*One-on-one coaching sessions to help individuals with ADHD develop strategies for managing symptoms and improving overall well-being.

*Personalized education and resources on ADHD, including the latest research and information on symptoms, causes, and treatment options.

*Support for individuals with ADHD and their families, including guidance on advocacy and navigating the school and work systems.

*Assistance with organization and time management, including tips and strategies for staying on task and completing assignments.

*Support for individuals with ADHD in romantic and other relationships, including guidance on communication and understanding.

*Mindfulness and meditation training to help individuals with ADHD improve focus, reduce impulsivity and improve emotional regulation.

*Assistance with setting and achieving personal goals, including career and academic goals.

*Help with developing self-care practices, including stress management and self-compassion. Support for individuals with ADHD who are also struggling with co-occurring mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

*Assistance with finding appropriate resources and accommodations, such as therapy and medication for ADHD.

Other Features

• Mailing List with ADHD helpful hints & survival tricks & More!
• Access to our private 80HD Club Facebook Group
• access to our private 80HD Discord
• Bad dad jokes
• Bi-Weekly Support Group Meetings
• All your wildest dreams will come true*


On request – the total price depends on your overall and needs.

First consultation for free